Signed Copies
I've had a few books delivered from my publisher so i've decided to sell signed copies at cos price plus postage. Just email me on...
The Naming of the Shrew
We've a mouse in the garden who doesnt give a single fuck as he battles for seeds among gravel and pebbles against jackdaws, sparrows,...
21 five star reviews
21 five star reviews for Cunt a true story click here
Cunt a true story
I'm just printing out he first hard copy of my next novel. I suspect ill find it difficult to find a published brave enough to publish...
The Motorbike Of The Morning
The saw blades of your mouth are set to mutilate and tear to the core. (at least the knife has poetic silence in its slicing) Your ears...
A new novel
I've decided to write a new novel. News to be posted soon as to what it's about and I will publish snippets in my blog.

I'll be publishing poetry here
Five am Glasgow never really slept last night. She just wound down to pauses of silence drunken shouts and the squeal of bus brakes. Then...